Remote and online teaching

Remote teaching and online learning

Hey everyone, we are in interesting times right now. As a freelancer you can guess I now have a great abundance of time. I do. I am hoping to use that time for projects that have sat dormant, catching up on admin, but also trying to create some access for people looking to keep learning.

$15 Skype Lessons

Right now, and for the foreseeable future I am going to be doing my online teaching for $15 (USD) an hour. That is right, remote horn lessons for $15.

Group morning sessions

I am also exploring bringing back some “accountable practice” streams and treating them as group horn sessions, each one focusing on certain aspects of horn playing.

My current plan is 10:30AM (MST) on YouTube, as I am personally navigating the changes it may not be everyday but I will share on social media when I go live. I’ll also have a link here.

We are in it together, lets take the opportunity to learn