An Arbans Session

Like many horn players, I love me some Arbans, nothing feels quite so good as just grinding away with that book. Over the years I have collected a bunch of different Arbans routines, usually from trumpet players. Going off of the last post of getting back into shape, below is one I like to use myself. It is mostly from Arbans, but there is some Clarke thrown in there for good measures.

It is Arbans, it isn’t the most fun, but does it ever work. So grab a tuner, metronome, recording device, mirror, whatever your favourite accessories for success are and get down to it.

note: The page numbers are based on the printed book. There is a version on IMSLP, I am not sure if those page numbers line up, so I have exercise nos and section names to help.

The Session

  • Clarke no.1 start on F# in the staff and expand outwards (F#, G, F, Ab, E… etc) until you reach an octave each way.

  • Chromatic octaves: Start on a G below the staff, go up two octaves, down three, up two, down one to the starting note. I find for me this helps work over my “breaks”, this does mean planning your breathing. Example: If you have a “break” around a D, don’t breath around that pitch force yourself over the range around it.. If you breath, you will reset, work the shift.

    • Repeat this Starting on an Ab, A, Bb, B, C.

    • Take some rest between reps.

  • Arbans pg.39/40 (Slurring and Legato) nos. 3,4,7,8. REALLY SLOW… like set your slow tempo, and knock a bunch off it. I usually go in the 38 - 44 bpm to the quarter, no subdivision on the metronome, force YOURSELF to subdivide.

    • Make sure you don’t physically move your body to subdivide, no toe tapping, dancing, etc… Keep it loud and internal.

  • Arbans pg.80/81 Chromatic Triplets nos. 10-16

  • Arbans pg.125 Intervals

    • Pick a couple lines. Do all the articulations, as well, move the emphasis around. Do it with the emphasis on the lower note, and the upper note. Do both ways as you work through the articulations.

    • It isn’t written, BUT, do this with 3 note slurs as well.

    • Take the repeats every time.

  • Arbans Pg.137-140 16th note pattern

    • Pick one or two, these need to be absolutely clean, clarity over speed. When you need to breath, just add a few beats for a great breath, then pick up where you left off.

  • Arbans Double Tonguing pg 175- 182

    • Do an assortment with a sense of progression. Example: Nos, 77,78,80,81,84,86,87,90.

      • Clarity over speed. The objective is a perfectly even double tongue the speed will come.

  • Arbans The Art of Phrasing pg 191+

    • Pick several of these, make the beautiful. Transpose them into the lower register as well.

That is it. It is a meaty session, short, sweet, and to the point. I also get there aren’t any lip slurs in there, so if that is a deal breaker for you… sorry? It should take you under an hour, or around an hour depending how many melodies you pick, and such. Long isn’t always better. One of the advantages to short and dense sessions to me is that it allows you to really dig into specifics, that is why there isn’t anything that hard in here it allows you to be very specific in your approach.